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  • Dean Birch's avatar
    Change to build-scripts arguments and structure · 5efa6fb5
    Dean Birch authored
    If there is only one filesystem/flavour then the -f and -t options
    become optional, and omitting them will be the same as specifying the
    only available filesystem/flavour with those flags. Also changing so
    that if there is only one platform/filesystem/flavour, then
    "./build-$ $CMD" will work with no options (where $COMP is a
    component, or 'all' and $CMD is clean/build/package).
    Splitting the public 'platform' into the real platforms. The folder
    platforms/public no longer exists and in it's place, there are separate
    juno, tc2 and fvp.
    Changing the output directory to be "output/platform" for platforms with
    only one flavour and "output/platform/flavour" for platforms with
    multiple flavours.
    Previously, there was a huge amount of find commands to handle
    platform/filesystem/flavour detection over these 3 files. They all
    needed to be modified to ignore hidden objects, so it was a good time to
    ensure that they were abstracted.
    Change-Id: Id6054966651d39251665a960047217466c06fb88
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDean Birch <>