Please note upcoming urgent maintenance: Wednesday 18th September 17:00 BST - 22:00 BST

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  • Peter Hoyes's avatar
    arm/classes: Add sstate support to tfm_sign_images · 19767152
    Peter Hoyes authored and Jon Mason's avatar Jon Mason committed
    Defining a task called do_deploy in an image recipe causes the
    license_image bbclass in OE-core to think the recipe is not an image
    recipe, which causes errors with license information collection if you
    have an image recipe which depends on an image recipe using this
    To fix this, and to add support for caching the signed binaries, use a
    single task, do_sign_images (and its setscene task). The implementation
    is based on deploy.bbclass, so the sstate is responsible for installing
    the signed binaries in ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}, but using a different name
    so that license information collection still works as expected.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Hoyes <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJon Mason <>