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  • Tomás Agustín González Orlando's avatar
    yocto/systemready-ir-acs: Simplify baseline comparison · 95c44e0f
    Tomás Agustín González Orlando authored and Peter Hoyes's avatar Peter Hoyes committed
    In a previous commit, a summary of the ACS test suite results was
     * Use Python's difflib and filecmp to compare this file against a
       baseline file and detect any regressions or changes in regards to
       the previous state.
    This simplifies the logic implemented by the project's recipes and
    avoids the frequent use of regular expressions.
     * Generate an html diff report file for each one of the three major
       ACS test types (SCT, BSA and FWTS) and for the summary with the
       diff between the new results and the baseline. Only generate these
       files when differences with the baseline have been found.
    NOTE: As some report files have time stamps for their tests, the
    generated diff html report files will contain these marked as
    differences. However, because of the way the diff files are displayed,
    they are still easily readable to detect changes in test results and
    so no further cleaning/pruning is now considered.
    Issue-Id: SCM-5205
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTomás González <>
    Change-Id: I1e6a00ab9bf8280f27f555f01ffb59214e15ebf8