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  • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
    Trim down the top-level readme file · d079ea79
    Sandrine Bailleux authored
    The main TF-A Tests documentation on ReadTheDocs does not use the
    top-level readme file. However, as explained in commit f6ee8fbc
    ("Revert "Remove unused top-level readme file""), we still want to
    keep it because it is the page displayed on
    That said, this readme file does not need to provide such detailed
    information, instead it can simply be a landing page providing a brief
    overview of the project and redirecting the reader to RTD for further
    Revisit the top-level readme file in this way, and also fix/update a
    number of broken/out-dated links in it.
    Change-Id: If53cfa9bd0bf2cba044883bb7ba5e5114bfb2bf8
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSandrine Bailleux <>