Matmul int4 micro-kernels for QA8DX (LHS) x QS4CX (RHS) -> F32
- The LHS matrix is quantized (Q) Asymmetric (A) 8-bit (8) with per-row (DX) quantization parameters
- The RHS matrix is quantized (Q) Symmetric (S) 4-bit (4) with per-channel (cx) quantization parameters
- The destination is F32
- Implement matmul int4 micro-kernels with intrinsics by using the dotprod and i8mm extensions
- Implement a micro-kernel to pack the RHS matrix
- Implement two micro-kernels to dynamically quantize and pack the LHS matrix
- Add
- No test added into this PR. Test will be added in a separate PR
Signed-off-by: Gian Marco Iodice