Matmul int4 micro-kernels for QAI8DX (LHS) x QSI4C32 (RHS) -> F32
- The LHS matrix is Quantized (Q) Asymmetric (A) Signed 8-bit (I8) with per-row (DX) quantization parameters
- The RHS matrix is quantized (Q) Symmetric (S) Signed 4-bit (I4) with per-block quantization
- The destination is F32
- Implement micro-kernels to perform the matrix multiplication
- Implement a micro-kernel to pack the RHS matrix
Signed-off-by: Gian Marco Iodice
Signed-off-by: Anitha Raj
Signed-off-by: Viet-Hoa Do
Edited by Jakub Sujak