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  • Jason A. Donenfeld's avatar
    net_dbg_ratelimited: turn into no-op when !DEBUG · d92cff89
    Jason A. Donenfeld authored
    The pr_debug family of functions turns into a no-op when -DDEBUG is not
    specified, opting instead to call "no_printk", which gets compiled to a
    no-op (but retains gcc's nice warnings about printf-style arguments).
    The problem with net_dbg_ratelimited is that it is defined to be a
    variant of net_ratelimited_function, which expands to essentially:
        if (net_ratelimit())
            pr_debug(fmt, ...);
    When DEBUG is not defined, then this becomes,
        if (net_ratelimit())
    This seems benign, except it isn't. Firstly, there's the obvious
    overhead of calling net_ratelimit needlessly, which does quite some book
    keeping for the rate limiting. Given that the pr_debug and
    net_dbg_ratelimited family of functions are sprinkled liberally through
    performance critical code, with developers assuming they'll be compiled
    out to a no-op most of the time, we certainly do not want this needless
    book keeping. Secondly, and most visibly, even though no debug message
    is printed when DEBUG is not defined, if there is a flood of
    invocations, dmesg winds up peppered with messages such as
    "net_ratelimit: 320 callbacks suppressed". This is because our
    aforementioned net_ratelimit() function actually prints this text in
    some circumstances. It's especially odd to see this when there isn't any
    other accompanying debug message.
    So, in sum, it doesn't make sense to have this function's current
    behavior, and instead it should match what every other debug family of
    functions in the kernel does with !DEBUG -- nothing.
    This patch replaces calls to net_dbg_ratelimited when !DEBUG with
    no_printk, keeping with the idiom of all the other debug print helpers.
    Also, though not strictly neccessary, it guards the call with an if (0)
    so that all evaluation of any arguments are sure to be compiled out.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJason A. Donenfeld <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>