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  • Stephen Kitt's avatar
    hwmon (pmbus) use simple i2c probe function · dd431939
    Stephen Kitt authored
    pmbus_do_probe doesn't use the id information provided in its second
    argument, so this can be removed, which then allows using the
    single-parameter i2c probe function ("probe_new") for probes.
    This avoids scanning the identifier tables during probes.
    Drivers which didn't use the id are converted as-is; drivers which did
    are modified as follows:
    * if the information in i2c_client is sufficient, that's used instead
    * configured v. probed comparisons are performed by comparing the
      configured name to the detected name, instead of the ids; this
      involves strcmp but is still cheaper than comparing all the device
      names when scanning the tables;
    * anything else is handled by calling i2c_match_id() with the same
      level of error-handling (if any) as before.
    Additionally, the mismatch message in the ltc2978 driver is adjusted
    so that it no longer assumes that the driver_data is an index into
    Signed-off-by: default avatarStephen Kitt <>
    Acked-by: default avatarWolfram Sang <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGuenter Roeck <>