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edk2-test-stable201910bd239933 · ·
Important Note: edk2-test-stable201910 does *not* compile against edk2-stable201908 because of regression issue in Basetools. However, edk2-test-stable201910 compiles with edk2-stable201905 or latest edk2 master (as of 10/21). Build Note: Build Instructions for UEFI SCTII X64 (Windows) 1) mkdir sct_workspace 2) cd sct_workspace 3) git clone 4) git clone 5) open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015", cd edk2 6) edksetup.bat Rebuild 7) xcopy ..\edk2-test\uefi-sct\SctPkg\Tools\Source\GenBin BaseTools\Source\C\GenBin\ 8) cd BaseTools\Source\C\GenBin 9) nmake 10) cd ..\..\..\..\ 11) xcopy ..\edk2-test\uefi-sct\SctPkg /E .\SctPkg\ 12) build -p SctPkg\UEFI\UEFI_SCT.dsc -a X64 -t VS2015x86 13) cd Build\UefiSct\DEBUG_VS2015x86 14) ..\..\..\SctPkg\CommonGenFramework.bat uefi_sct X64 InstallX64.efi The target subdirectory named as SctPackageX64 which includes test cases and UEFI SCT II applications will be generated in sct_workspace\edk2\ Build\UefiSct\DEBUG_VS2015x86 Build Instructions for UEFI SCTII AARCH64 (Linux) 1) mkdir "sct_workspace" 2) cd sct_workspace 3) git clone 4) git clone 5) cd edk2 6) git checkout edk2-stable201905 7) ln -s ../edk2-test/uefi-sct/SctPkg SctPkg 8) cd .. 9) mkdir -p "tools/gcc" 10) cd "tools/gcc" 11) wget -nv "" 12) tar -xf gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz 13) cd ../.. 14) export PATH=$PATH:"$PWD/tools/gcc/gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin" 15) export CROSS_COMPILE="$PWD/tools/gcc/gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-" 16) ./SctPkg/ AARCH64 GCC Bug Fixes: Bug ID Summary 1489 Incorrect SetVariable Conformance Test 1569 UEFI SCT crash on SerialIoProtocolTest 1571 Incorrect gBlackBoxEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid GUID in UEFI.DEC 1623 add a bit instruction or guidelines in either the test prompt of ResetSystem Shutdown test or the written document such as README or manual 1769 Incorrect failed item in DevicePathFromText after adopting edk2 tree hash: 9343d0a1cd09544686b14dba5b428d7bc811f6b9 1802 SctPkg: SCT requires deprecated EFI_UNICODE_COLL,ATION_PROTOCOL_GUID 1869 UninstallMultipleProtocols: incorrect assertion 1887 Cannot build Sct using the latest master edk2 tree 1899 UEFI SCT Build Broken 1911 Incorrect test for UnicodeCollationProtocol2 StrUpr() 1939 Compilation Error during edk2-test compile of edk2-test-stable201904 1942 SCT 2.7 RT.SetVariable invalid attribute combinbation 1976 Incorrect test for EFI_EVENT_GROUP_MEMORY_MAP_CHANGE 2061 BBTestGetStatusFunctionTest() ignores MediaPresentSupported flag 2098 The enhancement to eliminate the even execution request of ExitBootServices() test 2113 AdapterInfoProtocolTest SetInformation Func and Conformance fail on EFI_UNSUPPORTED 2160 uefi-sct/SctPkg: SNP Statistics may be unsupported 2169 uefi-sct/SctPkg: setting key toggle state may be unsupported 2185 The request to add FMP test to IHV 2187 The request to add HiiConfigAccess test to IHV 2197 uefi-sct/SctPkg: SNP ReceiveFilters may be unsupported 2205 Convert UNI files from UTF-16 to UTF-8 2155 [SCT] Expect to automate to generation the test result file of the "EFIC2169 uefi-sct/SctPkg: setting key toggle state may be unsupported 2185 The request to add FMP test to IHV 2187 The request to add HiiConfigAccess test to IHV 2197 uefi-sct/SctPkg: SNP ReceiveFilters may be unsupported 2205 Convert UNI files from UTF-16 to UTF-8
edk2-test-stable2019047db6ecd8 · ·
Release Date: 2019-04-05 New Features * First Open Source Release after UEFI-SCT became open source. * Beta Release for UEFI v2.7a Specification. * Support for building UEFI-SCT after edk2 Python 3 migration. * Binary free source including support for building GenBin from Source. * Add new test for DNS/BlueToothLE DevicePath. * Add new test for ResetNotification Protocol. * Add new test for UFSDeviceConfig Protocol. * Add new test for PartitionInfo Protocol. * Add new checkpoint for LocateProtocol(). * Add not-granularity-aligned test cases in Erase Block Protocol. * Define new Adapter Info block for wireless NIC. * Add TPL Check in SimpleTextIn/SimpleTextInEx. * Add two checkpoints for GetNextVariable(). * Add the checkpoint toggle state of ReadKeyStrokeEx. * Add VerifySignature() test. * Update BlueTooth test with LE support. * Implement iSCSI DevicePathToText Test Bug Fixes * SD/MMC Passthrough test bug fix. * DevicePathFromText test CreateEMMCDeviceNode() bug fix. * ExtractConfig API bug fix. * Ensure the HwErrRecVariable could be deleted before the test exit bug fix. * The Lun display order bug fix. * Correct BlueTooth Io Protocol Guid and BlueTooth Config Protocol Guid. * Fix incorrect line ending detection by GenBin tool. * Fix invalid GUID value format error. * Remove old unused files in EfiCompliant test. * Allow usage with UEFI version 2.7. * Correct Enable parameter in ReceiveFilters test. * Fix bug in BBTestCreateEventEx_Func_Sub3 test. * Corrected the size in bytes to be erased in EraseBlockProtocol test. * Fix underflow in EraseBlocks test. * Fix compilation issues in inf files when compiled against edk2 stable tag edk2-stable201903.