[Feat] Add identify for SR Band v2.5
Bugs -
Features -
Add identify for SR Band v2.5.
- Add SR relevant checks to identify.yaml
- Add new parameter --sbbr-seq for SR
- fix: pylint R0916: Too many boolean expressions in if statement
Test/Unit Test
Manual Test $ ./validate.py --schema schemas/identify-schema.yaml tests/data/test-check-sr-results/identify.yaml $ ./identify.py --dir SystemReady-Gigacomputing-H223-V10-20240409 --sbbr-seq SystemReady-Gigacomputing-H223-V10-20240409/acs_results/sct_results/Sequence/SBBR.seq: SBBR.seq from ACS-SR v24.03_2.1.0 .. v23.09_2.0.0 SystemReady SR v2.5 with SIE
$ ./tests/test-identify Testing identify... none, ir1.0 bet-0, stable debug, ir1.0 bet-1, ir1.2, ir1.2 linux 6.7, sie 1.0, ir2.0 bet-0, ir2.0 bet-1, ir2.0 bet-1 + sie, ir2.0, ir2.0 + sie, ir 32b 1.2, ir2.1, ir2.1 + sie, sr2.5, no sie, ok.
Automation Test
Edited by Ann Cheng