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Fix cgroups per workload

Created by: derkling

This series allows each workload of a experiment to override the default CGroup defined by a target configuration. This can be obtained by specifying the cgroup in which a workload has to be executed under. For example, the following workload configuration fragment:

        "rta" : {
            "type" : "rt-app",
            "loadref" : "big",
            "cgroup" : "/tg1",
            "conf" : {
                "class"  : "profile",
                "params"  : {
                    "p20" : {
                        "kind"   : "periodic",
                        "params" : {
                            "duty_cycle_pct" : 20,

will configure the "rta" workload to run under the "/tg1" cgroups.

NOTE: the specified cgroup has to be configured in each target configuration the workload will run, otherwise a run-time error will be generated.

NOTE: to use control groups the "cgroups" module has to be listed among the "modules" to load in the target/test configuration.

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