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tests: Sanity check on Energy Models

Darryl Green requested to merge github/fork/qperret/em-sanity-check into master

Created by: qperret

This is based on Elieva's #577

I tried to take into account @douglas-raillard-arm's feedback on previous PR (IIUC). I turned TestStaticEnergyModel into an abstract class which is sub-classed near the definition of the static energy models. That basically lets us do something like lisa-test libs/utils/platforms/

I also split some patches into smaller-patches, and fixed minor things to have all functions to work with a simplified Energy Model. Other than that, that's very much the same code.

Tested on a live target, on static models, and also tested the tests/lisa part. Everything looks fine.

All the credit goes to @Elieva :)

Merge request reports