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shell: Introduce LISA_PRESERVE_SHELL

Darryl Green requested to merge github/fork/qperret/lisa-shell-quiet into next

Created by: qperret

Sourcing init_env basically provides a set of bash functions (the lisa-* commands) to the user and activates the python venv. However, that also changes the PS1 and the colorscheme of the current shell, although this isn't strictly necessary.

In order to give users the option of keeping their original shell configuration, make the Lisa PS1 and colors depend on $LISA_SHELL_QUIET not being set. While at it, list the env variables exported by init_env.

This results in: queper01@queper01-lin:~/lisa$ LISA_SHELL_QUIET=1 source init_env Activating LISA Python 3.6 venv (/data/work/lisa-next/.lisa-venv-3.6) ... LISA version: /data/work/lisa-next branch: heads/lisa-shell-quiet commit: 7f07c99ecec

Python version: 3.6

JupyterLab v0.35.4 No installed extensions Environment variables: LISA_SHELL_QUIET=1 LISA_CONF=/data/work/lisa-next/target_conf.yml LISA_HOME=/data/work/lisa-next LISA_RESULT_ROOT=/data/work/lisa-next/results LISA_USE_VENV=1 LISA_HOST_ABI=x86_64 LISA_DEVMODE=1 LISA_VENV_PATH=/data/work/lisa-next/.lisa-venv-3.6 queper01@queper01-lin:~/lisa$

without changing colors.

Signed-off-by: Quentin Perret

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