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tests: eas_behaviour: Fix TwoBigThreeSmall duty cycle

Darryl Green requested to merge github/fork/qperret/fix-2b3s-threshold into next

Created by: qperret

The big tasks in TwoBigThreeSmall are 80%. Because of this, EAS is kept overutilized consistently, hence not giving the small tasks an opportunity to be placed appropriately on little CPUs.

Although this is arguably something that could be improved on the kernel side, it should also be noted that these tasks used to be 70% in the old Lisa implementation, hence avoiding the problem altogether. Since the change to 80% was not intended, and since the current test failures don't teach us anything that we didn't know before, let's revert to 70% tasks and avoid unnecessary pain.

Signed-off-by: Quentin Perret

Merge request reports