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tests: load_tracking: Decorate test methods with check_noisy_tasks()

Created by: valschneider

Load tracking tests rely on having a quiet system, so it makes for them to check for noisy tasks.

I wanted to validate this on an integration run, but I can't get exekall to re-run on the computed values:

bisector report -oexport-db=VALUE_DB.pickle.xz
exekall run /data/work/lisa/lisa/tests/ --load-db VALUE_DB.pickle.xz --load-type '*TestBundle' -s '*util_task*'
[EXEKALL][2019-05-24 16:55:10,455] INFO  Nothing to do, check --help while passing some python sources to get the full help.

I also trying without any select statement and got the same output :(

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