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Add the LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm to the full image.

Arnaud de Grandmaison requested to merge arnaud/llvm_et into main

While being mostly about Cortex-M devices, the LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm ( provides an LLVM based bare-metal toolchain with support for aarch64. This is useful when one want to experiment in a lightweight fashion with new architectural features for example which do not require a full software stack, but still benefit from a baremetal toolchain with a standard library and semi-hosting support.

As the executables may conflict with other llvm / clang installed binaries on the search path, the LLVM_ET is not added to the search path. Instead, the environmet variable TCH_LLVM_ET_INSTALL_DIR is provided and the user should use it in his build scripts.

Signed-off-by: Arnaud de Grandmaison

Merge request reports