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Add scheduling arguments to FP16 example

Open Felix Johnny Thomasmathibalan requested to merge fp16_example into main
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@@ -105,12 +105,17 @@ bool is_output_correct(
int main() {
int ret = 0;
// Parameters of the matrix multiplication. Change these values to see how the micro-kernels operate on different
// sized matrices
const size_t M = 6; // Rows of LHS and DST matrices
const size_t N = 24; // Columns of RHS and DST matrices, and length of the Bias vector.
const size_t K = 4; // Columns of LHS, rows of RHS matrices
// 1x1 Convolution operator in NHWC format.
const size_t nhwc_n = 2;
const size_t nhwc_h = 2;
const size_t nhwc_w = 4;
const size_t nhwc_c_in = 4; // Input channels
const size_t nhwc_c_out = 24; // Output channels
// Map NHWC of operator to GEMM terminology
const size_t M = nhwc_h * nhwc_w * nhwc_n; // Rows of LHS and DST matrices
const size_t N = nhwc_c_out; // Columns of RHS and DST matrices
const size_t K = nhwc_c_in; // Columns of LHS, rows of RHS matrices
const size_t lhs_size = M * K;
const size_t rhs_size = N * K;
@@ -186,22 +191,39 @@ int main() {
float16_t* dst = new float16_t[dst_size];
const auto timer_matmul_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Framework scheduling params
M, N, K, // Dimensions
lhs, // LHS
lhs_stride, // LHS stride
rhs_packed, // RHS packed
dst, // DST
dst_stride_row, // DST stride (row)
dst_stride_col, // DST stride (col)
-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX // Min and max for the clamp operation
// Example alternative values to try. ukernel.get_m_step() * 2 or M;
const size_t m_step = ukernel.get_m_step(); // Scheduling along M
const auto timer_matmul_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto time_matmul =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(timer_matmul_end - timer_matmul_start);
// Example alternative values to try. n_step = N;
const size_t n_step = ukernel.get_n_step(); // Scheduling along N
for (size_t i_m_step = 0; i_m_step < M; i_m_step += m_step) {
for (size_t i_n_step = 0; i_n_step < N; i_n_step += n_step) {
// Support functions return offset in bytes
const uint8_t* lhs_ptr =
(const uint8_t*)lhs + (ukernel.get_lhs_packed_offset(i_m_step, K * sizeof(uint16_t)));
const uint8_t* rhs_ptr = (const uint8_t*)rhs_packed + (ukernel.get_rhs_packed_offset(i_n_step, K));
uint8_t* dst_ptr = (uint8_t*)dst + (ukernel.get_dst_offset(i_m_step, i_n_step, N * sizeof(uint16_t)));
#ifdef KAI_DEBUG
printf("Processing a %zux%zu ouptut block starting at (%zu, %zu)\n", m_step, n_step, i_m_step, i_n_step);
const size_t actual_m = std::min(M - i_m_step, m_step);
const size_t actual_n = std::min(N - i_n_step, n_step);
actual_m, actual_n, K, // Dimensions
lhs_ptr, // LHS
lhs_stride, // LHS stride
rhs_ptr, // RHS packed
dst_ptr, // DST
dst_stride_row, // DST stride (row)
dst_stride_col, // DST stride (col)
-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX // Min and max for the clamp operation
#ifdef KAI_DEBUG
print_matrix(M, N, "dst", dst);
@@ -213,7 +235,6 @@ int main() {
std::cout << "- ukernel: matmul_clamp_f16_f16_f16p16x1biasf16_6x16x8_neon_mla\n";
if (is_valid) {
std::cout << "- Status: PASSED\n";
std::cout << "- Performance: " << time_matmul.count() << "ns\n";
} else {
std::cout << "- Status: FAILED\n";
ret = 1;